Reflective Practice

I must admit that I haven’t been as active on this blog as originally set out over the past year. Life’s journey can lead you to places that you can only dream about and for that I am blessed.

I’ve been in the midst of replanning my future after a period away from progressing my career in Playwork. I also felt the need to give myself a little boost and revist some of my personal work achievements in order to get the ball rolling again and undertake some Reflective Practice. Scribble, scribble, type, type. Information, and notes between my iphone, touchpad and notebook. Finally, some order, and now a point of reference.

Playwork is my calling and vocation, and I have worked within this field of work for 22 years in diverse settings, and have been an integral member of numerous Play Associations and Projects. Over this time I have become totally dedicated to the cause of Play, and am very proud of my achievements.

I have been given the opportunity to contribute to services as a Playworker, Play Leader, Play Development Officer, Service Manager, Playwork Assessor, Mentor and Tutor. Over the years I have built a professional network of colleagues and associates who represent many voluntary organizations and services.

I strongly believe that every child and young person should have access to flexible, high quality and freely accessible Play provisions. I love the idea of taking the Playwork ethos into the community and seeing children create spontaneous Play spaces in areas which lack Play provision.

When I work with children and young people I think it is important to remember that Playworkers are Play facilitators and should not be too directive but instead receptive.  The use of public space by children and young people is generally given a mixed reaction by the general population and it is important to acknowledge the issues surrounding these opinions and to challenge presuppositions. I do my best to maintain the role of an advocate for the right to Play and the best reference I could give would be that the children and young people I work with enjoy my company.

I find myself updating my blog at Stonebridge Adventure Playground in North West London, and the last adventure playground this side of London to remain. In one of the areas that I grew up in, and my visit back today to support the campaign to Save Stonebridge Adventure Playground and keep it open has brought back so many happy memories.

Audley Harrsion has also taken time out from his hectic schedule to come down and support the campaign and bring smiles to school children from the local area.

BrentPlay have continued to work tirelessly to keep the Adventure Playground open that is a free open access opportunity for children and young people.

Whilst today may be a day you were unable to come down, there are other ways to show your support. Join Stonebridge Adventure Playground Facebook page and find out more information about keeping this Play provision open, alternatively come down and visit the adventure playground.







Informal Chat

I had recently been invited to have an informal chat with a charity to support them deliver a school based  Play Project. So as you do before a chat, I prepared and refreshed my memory, dragged some information onto my touchpad to read on the bus journey down. I had arrived into the area earlier than expected, so decided to walk the last half an hour relax and listen to a football podcast on my iphone.

Upon arrival I unwarapped my outdoor clothing, and was greeted with a firm handshake, a smile and offered a cuppa. I declined the hot drink.

20 minutes into our chat…………… and bazaar. Bazaar in the sense that I found myself fuelled with more and more questions. Now I had about nine  typed up on my  touchpad that I had intended asking near the end of our chat, but at this stage had a feeling I would not require them.

A period passed and our chat moved onto whether the children attending the settings currently had ownership of their Play Spaces, and how their play benefited within the projects at each setting. I wanted to be comfortable. Now the package proposal had been beneficial to me, and as much as I had been thinking to rain back some quite direct and indepth comments about their Play Strategy and Play Policy I felt it necessary to ask. What was fascinating about this informal chat firstly had been that I was used to being on the other side of the table preparing for people to attend, with questions of employment, and today it was me on the other side. Secondly, as focused as I was, I found myself looking into their eyes and wondering whether they realised how comfortable and empowered I felt, and the depth and nature of their questions highly appropriate to the role in question. I felt intrigued about the background and work history of the panel that had been asking me questions, and the use of descriptive language allowed me to picture them at work. Their introduction about the charity, its role, their projects continued to appeal to me.

I like feeling relaxed in a work environment, and firmly believe if the structure of the organisation I propose to work for is not in place, then just be transparent, don’t send me down up a wild goose chase, and sell something that’s not there. If work needs to be done, reviewing or developing areas, make me be aware from the off. I felt that I needed to be clear. I needed my own reassurances that this Playwork journey was also right for me.

We spoke about resources and planning review, and whether they could support funding from having a plan in place. Their strategy appeared seemless. A warm sensation rose from the pit of my stomach as we spoke about polices and guidelines and how they carry out reflective practice, and whether their polices refer in anyway to the Playwork Principles. We spoke about targets, and the development of audits, and the effectiveness of budgets. I encouraged them to think about different views of sourcing equipment. It is not about only using GLS, or your local high streets. Where is the nearest scrap project ? and do you have membership? mmmmm………. they began taking notes.

We spoke about the physical space of the settings, and whether the children or managers, and staffing teams when facilitating activity programmes squeeze out as much Play Spaces as they could. Thoughts about the relationship with the school, and premises officer, and the headteachers understanding of Play. I wanted to know whether the children would be in a position to use chalk on walls, as these too make up the physical space. If there are slopes, can they become iconic space for play. I wanted to be in a position to try to make the children think ‘wow’ when they think of Play Opportunities when at their Play Space. Get settings to look at ‘loose parts’, and the introduction and continuation of this concept. Think about workshop sessions on Play. Think about creating ‘method statements’ on certain activities and procedures.The role of MTS (Meal Time Supervisors) within the development, support, implementation of Play. Would observations, monitoring and evaluations be part of this mechanism?

Fire Play. I could see his eyes nearly roll out of his head.

But I then explained start with warmth, and scale the activity or project, ending with fire. Warmth. Toffee apples,  heat, keeping warm, sounds, images, food sensations all relating to use of fire.

Think about space, resources, opportunities.Think about the involvement of schools, parents, community. How can they contribute ? Think about what jobs, careers are parents involved with, and how they can support the setting ? This led me onto impact and improvement. Does Play affect the reduction in bullying ? if bullying occurred. Do children within the setting enjoy Play ? and what systems to capture Play impact after breaks. Are children calmer after breaks, and how do they wind down ?Are breaks contributing to changes in children’s behaviour ?

Then the growling started, and the possibility of an embarrassing moment. I paused as now maybe I should have had that hot drink, and for a period questioned myself whether it would be rude to ask for one. Yes, No, Yes, No ? I chose the latter, and instead tensed my stomach and for the life of me, this became the only moment of uncertainty throughout the informal chat . I started to think is this where I conclude the informal chat and start to give more brief answers which would allow it to finish earlier, or do I just hope that the packet of crisps will perfrom its role, and quiet down the churning of my stomach.


CPD. I wanted to see, or work with a school based Play Project developing a Play CPD possibly for a year. So I’m thinking sessions and or workshops on Play for parents, and governors. Capturing newsletters and content for parents. Yes, Yes ….. ‘We can be training solutions to your needs’ – wonderful statement. This could be another string to this charity, an opportunity to carry out training sessions. Tie ‘loose parts’ into school Play based CPD, and monitor the children’s involvement.

Partnerships. Fourth strand of support, are children involved in development of job descriptions, are they involved in interviews, are they involved in things that appeal to them, and how does this project manage this process ? Do children have links with school maintenance systems ?Does the grass have to be cut or grown to the same lengths? How does school Play based project works with local providers, and are opportunities accessible ?

Playwork Principles…… am I pushing it too far now. I wanted them to think about children developing their own handbook of their setting, and make settings think about the purpose of Play, and encourage the school ‘s to allow children to provide feedback on their setting aims or aspirations. I encouraged them to make them have this vision statement, document and how this plan will be implemented. Why not ask the school for Play to be placed, listed in an evaluation for parent and carers ?

More questions began to flow, and I glanced at my watch and realised that we had been speaking for nearly an hour, and in a professional manner concluded the informal chat right, wrong or indifferent.

Now it is likely that my next blog will indicate that I was unsuccessful, and you can have a chuckle and see why, but then again I felt refreshed and empowered and enlightened when I left. And while I must admit that I needed to have nap upon returning home, the informal chat was wonderful. It re-enforecd why I am still greatful for being actively involved within this profession of Play, and why communicating with other Playwork Practitioners makes me feel alive.

Thank you for your time.

Relaxed…………. our informal chat ended. So I wrapped back up warm, popped on my headphones and continued listened to my football podcast on the way home.

re-blog friday’s

Maggie Madly Writing

A few weeks ago at work, there was a seminar about the Plain Writing Act, which President Obama signed into law on October 13, 2010. The purpose of the act is just as it says: to require federal agencies use plain writing in every covered document issued or substantially revised. I think the Plain Writing Act should have been signed into law a long time ago, because who wants to read through legal jargon when they’re trying to get information about health insurance? It’s especially unfair to the elderly, who shouldn’t have to hire a lawyer just to read about their choice of assisted living centers, nursing homes, etc.

I learned that the general public reads at about an 8th grade level. I don’t think that’s a good thing, but I suspect that with college becoming (supposedly) more affordable these days, and with more people going to college…

View original post 363 more words

Re-blogged to qualitywithinplay as part of my re-blog friday – keep you the good work

The Brevity Blog

“Pursue, keep up with, circle round and round your life…
Know your own bone: gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw at it still”
—Thoreau, as quoted in Annie Dillard’s The Writing Life


I am a writer first, but once I become a teacher, I will use smoke and mirrors to get my students unstuck, to get them gnawing on their own bones. We do rapid-fire writing drills. I play keen illusionist to their bored bravado, ratcheting the intensity with cliché—C’mon, guys! Time’s a-wasting! There’s money on the line! (Who says such things?) In fact, our whole selves are on the line, and we all know this, hence, the magic show. As writers, we sometimes have to trick ourselves into going there: we have to dodge our conscious minds with sporting maneuvers.

I do, anyway. Each time I write…

View original post 538 more words

I’ve really enjoyed your feature, so much so that I’ve re-blogged it: if you have any objections please feel free to communicate

eddie nuttall

“Out beyond the idea of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
– Rumi

It is the wettest midwinter I can remember in Manchester, and this city does rainfall like no other. I cycled swiftly across town from Gorton to Hulme, swerving around saturated potholes and grey-brown gulleys that glisten in the falling drizzle. Upon approaching the after school club I encountered very mixed feelings about what the evening ahead might bring. “Take the older kids over to the park next Tuesday Eddie,” Colleen, the club manager, suggested as we rounded last week’s planning meeting, “Whatever the weather. They need a break from here.” It seemed like an excellent suggestion at the time; I had been hankering for an excuse to break free from the church hall with the primary-age kids. If they are not complaining about being bored and frustrated, they are going…

View original post 919 more words


Remember when you were seven years old on the playground at school? The swings, the games, and all the fun to be had was the highlight of your day. When you were younger there was alway the crush that you had, always that person who you were linked to romantically, though you were seven and the only romance that you had was maybe holding hands and a quick five second kiss, in that case you knew it was serious! There was always that awkward first crush phase that you usually had were you would push them down, or throw rocks at the person. You really liked someone if you threw rocks, sometimes I wish I would have gotten pelted instead of being the one who constantly was throwing them.

There was one time a girl pushed me in muddy ice water in the fourth grade. I think it was her…

View original post 543 more words

Summer of Love

I love the summer break, always have done. Doesn’t bother me either that we’ll probably only get a day or two here and there of sun.

I’ve fallen in love this summer. I’ve been away from work and spent an enormous amount of time with my family, and continue to appreciate every drop of each moment.

I’ve not trained for the up and coming football season, for the first time in years my body feels invigorated.

I’ve spent time visiting parks, festivals and open days. Osadia

I’ve spent time walking through nature reserves, and in the warmth eating and sharing blue bubblegum ice cream.

I’ve been soaking up the atmosphere of the Olympics Olympics 2012, and visited Hyde Park with my littleman, who is still recovering from seeing Chris Hoy, and watched numerous games at Wembley Stadium.

My summer of love has allowed me to embrace the beauty of London. Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee, Wimbledon, Olympics, and the BBC coverage, especially the open ceremony was breathtaking. Jess Ennis, Women’s volleyball, Mo Farrah, Chris Hoy, the Jamaica athletic’s and the world records!, list goes on Olympics 2012 footage.

So I missed out on going Jamaica House, and Puma Yard, and to add insult to everything the day I chose not to go Roundhouse the USA Olympic Team had their party there with Nas,  

 and were giving away gold beats by dre headphones.

Spent extended time with my mother cleareing out her loft, and found the most distressing throwback photos of me wearing some unsavoury looking clothing. Listened to her patios leave my littleman in hysterics, and her “teachment” to describe my late granddad’s terminology. Did some gardening, barbecuing, and shared alot of  jokes. I’m glad that her character has not altered one bit. Had to use a dust pan and brush to remove leaves from her lawn that had been cut two days prior to my visit. THEN afterwards got it trimmed again with mower. WOW.

This Summer of Love has also reminded me of how fragile life can be with the news that my godbrother committed suicide while in the West Indies with my family while burying his grandmother. Too many uncertainties……………

…. over to you Lanyo

Vintage football boots Obsession returns

With pre-season training and friendlies well under way, football boots and my obsession with everything vintage returns.

The internet has a feast of images of football boots from yesteryear, and I have managed to find a few to wet your appetite. 

Now even Xabi Alonso couldn’t score from the half way line in these.

A few from the early 1960’s

and a signed pair by the Preston North End legend Sir Tom Finney

OK OK I know these look like they’ve been bought from Petty Coat Lane market, but there is something simple that attracts me to these Stanley Socca’s 

edited Adidas Inter

edited Puma Pele Santos

edited Puma Mario Kempes Rosario 1970’s … beautiful

The younger viewers will probably be in hysterics laughing at these two football boot entries, but Patrick football boots when they first came out were a must. I was never lucky enough to own a pair, but fortunate to have an older brother who did, so I’d use his. He had a similar pair with the large ‘tongues’. The only downside was that he was about two boot sizes larger than me, so multiple insoles helped.

Now I’m a strong believer in values and manners, and have to apologize for not including a pair of ‘Ronnies’ classic R9’s …. now that’s the ‘original’ Ronaldo …… 

edited ‘Torch’ Brand from China .. reminds me of the limited edition Pantofola’ doro from my previous football boot blog ….. 

George Best ‘Stylo’ limited edition football boots fetched 310.00 ….. worth it ….. I’d agree

Now Now …… Vintage football boots Obsession ended with a pair of George Best ‘Stylo’s …… the return will end with these beauties…..

*Note that full recognition of the original images of these football boots should be given to the sellers, and can be contacted by posting a comment


So the weekend has passed, and my friend’s 20+20 Burlesque themed birthday celebration was exactly what she said it would be. When I received my invite I jumped onto the internet to see what males should wear for such an event. Now it may have been that my fingers were too sensitive on the keyboard but I was soon led down a fair amount of peculiar links that I am glad I wasn’t viewing at work.

Fast forward the evening. 2hrs 30mins late. Lilac attire on

and leaving out without splashing on some Hugo on my neckline the journey to the event started.

Quick dash across North West London, and we arrived at the venue.
The grounds for the event were set within a rural part of North West London, the lighting outside minimal, and the sounds restricted to the leaves rustling against the trees. We’d found a parking space and took the short brisk walk over the gravel to the entrance. It then dawned on me that we had actually arrived. I wanted to pause, and savour this moment, I wanted to be in a position to recall everything. I think that it was the uncertainty of not knowing what to expect. I composed myself. A fox making its way across the grounds reminded me why it may not have been sensible to wait outside too long.

We were greeted by a tall statuesque gentleman in a bowler hat within the court area, and followed his hand gesture indicating the direction for us to walk to for the entrance. We could hear and feel the music, and see figures dancing through the windows. We entered the venue, and I wanted to close my eyes, and convince myself that I had not seen anyone. A stream of women occupied the narrow entrance hall , and I soon remembered why the host had suggested wearing a pair of briefs instead of boxers.

Adrenalin, anticipation, exhaustion from my football awards evening the previous night, followed by work, followed by another night out ….. or just the magnum kicking in …….

but something was playing with my emotions

I recall watching Kubrick’s ‘Eyes Wide Shut‘ with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman and the scenes and images from it. Completely different theme, but the film kept popping up in my head.

We were embraced by the host, and soon entered the main event hall….. enlightening …. I observed people playing with their thoughts, clothing and consuming steams of alcohol. People talking, laughing, embracing each other,  dancing, singing, standing, sitting. A smile secretly crept itself upon my face, and I began to chuckle. “Splendid”, is how my friend described the atmosphere. And I would have been unwise to have disagreed with him.

Sub-consciously I found my stance when greeted by female friends with an arched manner, gone were the thoughts of what my female friends looked like naked, as their tenderness was there to see, and not all in its splendour.

Full view, side view, back view. Appearances, shapes, sizes, colours, fragrances over smells, tall, lean, maybe not so lean, smiles, frowns, and a lot of weight spillage from tight and revealing clothing.

It still all seemed surreal…… and what seemed like a blink had actually been 3 hours of enjoyment celebrating a dear friends 20+20 Burlesque themed birthday, and a desire to seek another one.